Le podcast "The ShopiShopaShow" est lancé !

"The ShopiShopaShow" podcast is born!

ShopiShopa Consulting, a Shopify Plus & Shopify POS Technology Consulting boutique for mid-sized and major corporations, has just launched The ShopiShopaShow, a Shopify-focused podcast.

Every two weeks, The ShopiShopaShow presents the latest news on Shopify, Shopify Plus, Shopify POS & all other products and services from Shopify. Stay on top of the Shopify wave and don't miss a news with this new podcast!

The ShopiShopaShow is hosted in English by Christophe Davy, with a typical French accent that makes him easily understandable by everyone!

The ShopiShopaShow is available on all (good) podcast platforms, including Spotify and Apple podcasts, and is also available on Anchor platform.

For more information on The ShopiShopaShow, feel free to contact us.


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